Grow Your Patient List with Targeted Online Ads

Fill your calendar using PPC to attract new patients. Our campaigns are designed to guide potential patients right to your door

Helping Doctors
Attract New Patients Through Pay-Per-Click/ Google Ads

Hello Doctor! Need More Patients?

In a world where 77% of patients turn to the internet to find medical practitioners, can you afford not to be at the top of search results? Beta Web Solutions specializes in PPC for Doctors, helping your practice secure its place in those crucial top slots that capture 75% of all clicks.

Unparalleled ROI with Beta Web Solutions' PPC Services

According to Google, every dollar spent on PPC advertising can return up to $2. However, in the healthcare sector, that ROI can skyrocket to $4-$5. Beta Web Solutions leverages this advantage by incorporating click-to-call and online appointment scheduling features, taking your conversion rates to the next level. Embrace the unmatched speed, volume, and flexibility of PPC advertising to expand your medical practice effectively.


Leads Driven to Our Customers Sites via PPC

4X to 10X

Return on client ad spend (ROAS) on average


Of mobile users click on a PPC ad at least once per week


Fortune 500 Clients worked with DAP on PPC management

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Get more patient with a Click!

The digital era has made patient acquisition faster and more efficient. Don't let your practice lag behind. Let us help you harness the power of PPC advertising, putting you in the limelight, right where you belong.

Step Up with PPC for Doctors!

PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising isn't just about clicks – it's about ensuring your medical expertise is available to those who need it the most. If you've dedicated your life to healing and consultation, it's time your digital presence reflects your commitment.

1.5 M+
Leads Driven to Our Customers Sites via PPC
4X to 10X
Return on client ad spend (ROAS) on average
Of all high-intent searches result in an ad click
of mobile users click on a PPC ad at least once per week
Fortune 500 Clients worked with DAP on PPC management

Step Up with PPC for Doctors!

PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising isn't just about clicks – it's about ensuring your medical expertise is available to those who need it the most. If you've dedicated your life to healing and consultation, it's time your digital presence reflects your commitment.

Your Journey to More Patients and Revenue

  • 1

    Keyword Excellence - Your Visibility Booster

    We commence with surgical precision in keyword research, targeted to your specific medical expertise. Fact: 72% of patients start with Google when seeking medical advice. Be the first name they see!

  • 2

    Ad Copies That Resonate - Your Digital Business Card

    The next step is crafting ad copies so compelling they're practically a prescription for clicking. Wow Stat: We boost the average healthcare click-through rate from 1.79% to eye-popping new levels.

  • 3

    From Click to Landing Page - Your Digital Welcome Mat

    After the click, users are directed to customized landing pages, designed with one aim: conversion. Did You Know: Personalized landing pages can improve conversions by up to 50%!

  • 4

    Ring, Ring—Here Come the Patients! - Your Immediate ROI

    Tailored landing pages guide the user to initiate that all-important phone call to your clinic. Industry Insight: 92% of healthcare appointments are booked via phone calls. Let’s get those lines busy!

  • 5

    From Calls to Revenue - Your Financial Health Plan

    We guide you on how to turn those calls into confirmed appointments, effectively boosting your revenue. Success Metric: Our methods typically increase monthly appointments by 25%, equating to a 20% revenue uplift.

Google Partner

Google Certified Partner

Meta Partner

Meta Certified Partner

Pricing Plans



Ideal for practices taking their first steps into PPC. A great starting point to build online visibility without a heavy investment.

Keyword Research

Up to 15 keywords targeting based on search volume and relevance

Campaign Setup

One PPC campaign setup on one platform (e.g., Google Ads).

Ad Creation

Up to 3 unique ad creatives.

Basic Analytics Setup

Setting up basic tracking on your chosen platform.

Basic Reporting

Monthly report showcasing clicks, impressions, and basic ROI.

Account Management

Basic adjustments and optimization twice a month.


Email or message support with a 12-hour response time. One monthly strategy call



A more comprehensive package, perfect for clinics looking to expand their patient base and boost appointments.

Keyword Research

Up to 30 keywords with focus on high & low competition terms.

Campaign Setup

Campaign setup on two platforms (e.g., Google Ads and Facebook Ads).

Ad Creation

Up to 6 unique ad creatives with A/B testing.

Audience Segmentation

Demographics, interests, and behavior-based targeting.

Landing Page optimizations

Detailed review with actionable suggestions.

Intermediate Analytics Setup

Google Analytics setup with goal tracking.

Conversion Tracking

Detailed tracking to measure ROI more accurately.

Split Testing

Test different ad variations to improve performance.

Intermediate Reporting

Bi-weekly report with detailed insights and recommendations.

Support & strategy calls

Email support with a 24-hour response time. And bi-weekly strategy calls. strategy call



The ultimate PPC package for practices aiming for maximum exposure, brand dominance, and an extensive digital footprint.

Keyword Research

Comprehensive, including competitor analysis, up to 50 keywords.

Campaign Setup

Multi-platform and Multi- campaigns (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads).

Ad Creation

Up to 12 unique ad creatives with A/B & multivariate testing.

Ad Extensions & Enhanced

Utilizing all features the platform offers.

Audience Segmentation & Retargeting

Advanced strategies implementation including lookalike audiences and retargeting campaigns.

Landing Page Assistance

Full support in optimizing for conversion.

Advanced Analytics Setup

Google Analytics, goal & event tracking, and UTM parameters.

CRO Analysis & Tools

Detailed review with actionable suggestions for more conversions. Introducing heat maps, session recordings, and surveys.

Detailed Reporting

Weekly in-depth reports with expert insights and forward strategies.

Account Management

Weekly adjustments, optimization, and scaling tasks are included.

Priority Support

Dedicated email support with a 12-hour turnaround and weekly strategy calls.

Join the digital revolution.

Let us help you put the power of PPC behind your medical expertise.

Our case studies

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is PPC service for doctors and how does it benefit doctors?
PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, is a digital advertising model where advertisers pay a fee every time their ad is clicked. For doctors, PPC offers immediate online visibility, enabling them to reach patients actively seeking medical services. This can translate to increased appointments and consultations.
How do PPC campaigns differ for medical professionals compared to other industries?
Medical PPC campaigns need to be approached with sensitivity, trust, and compliance. Due to the nature of medical information and patient confidentiality, it's essential to ensure ads are ethical, factual, and adhere to health advertising guidelines. We tailor our strategies specifically for doctors, understanding their unique needs and challenges.
Will I have control over my ad budget? 
Absolutely! You'll set a daily or monthly budget based on your preferences. We'll ensure that your campaigns stay within these limits, giving you full control over your advertising spend.
How quickly can I expect to see results from my PPC campaign? 
One of the significant advantages of PPC is the immediacy of results. Once your campaign is live, your ads will start appearing for the targeted keywords, and you can begin seeing increased website traffic and potential patient inquiries almost instantly.
Do you offer ad copywriting services tailored to the medical field? 
Yes, we do! Our skilled copywriters understand the nuances and sensitivities of the medical field. They craft compelling, trust-inspiring content that resonates with patients and adheres to ethical standards.
How do I track the success of my PPC campaign? 
Our services include detailed analytics and reporting. You can monitor click-through rates, conversion rates, and patient behaviors, allowing you to gauge the effectiveness of your campaign and make informed decisions moving forward.

What is PPC service for doctors and how does it benefit doctors?

PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, is a digital advertising model where advertisers pay a fee every time their ad is clicked. For doctors, PPC offers immediate online visibility, enabling them to reach patients actively seeking medical services. This can translate to increased appointments and consultations.

How do PPC campaigns differ for medical professionals compared to other industries?

 Medical PPC campaigns need to be approached with sensitivity, trust, and compliance. Due to the nature of medical information and patient confidentiality, it's essential to ensure ads are ethical, factual, and adhere to health advertising guidelines. We tailor our strategies specifically for doctors, understanding their unique needs and challenges.

Will I have control over my ad budget? 

Absolutely! You'll set a daily or monthly budget based on your preferences. We'll ensure that your campaigns stay within these limits, giving you full control over your advertising spend.

How quickly can I expect to see results from my PPC campaign? 

 One of the significant advantages of PPC is the immediacy of results. Once your campaign is live, your ads will start appearing for the targeted keywords, and you can begin seeing increased website traffic and potential patient inquiries almost instantly.

Do you offer ad copywriting services tailored to the medical field? 

 Yes, we do! Our skilled copywriters understand the nuances and sensitivities of the medical field. They craft compelling, trust-inspiring content that resonates with patients and adheres to ethical standards.

How do I track the success of my PPC campaign? 

Our services include detailed analytics and reporting. You can monitor click-through rates, conversion rates, and patient behaviors, allowing you to gauge the effectiveness of your campaign and make informed decisions moving forward.


Have questions about your next project? Schedule a consultation with a PPC expert today and find out what we can do for your business.